Monday, March 30, 2009

look how she sparkles

every now and then i feel the need to go utterly nuts in a cardmaking sense. ok, ok, truth be told, i do that most days. but sometimes i go reeaalllllllllllllly craaaaaaaazy and pile on layer after shiny, sparkly, shimmery, day-glow, super-embellished layer. *THIS* was one of those times:

(glossy clipart image: anahata katkin; patterned paper: mustard moon, karen foster and vintage sheet music and a bit of hindi text from a bollywood film magazine; glossy black cardstock: ranger; diecut border & tag: k&co; flowers & flourishes: prima; rub-on sentiment: rusty pickle; eyelets: making memories; pink gems & heart charm: michaels; inks: colorbox; other: pilot paint pen, misc. jump rings, 3m foam tape, uhu gluestick, tombow mono adhesive)

it's a thank you card for the lovely stef. i hope she'll feel pleased to have gotten something made specially for her, which comes straight from my exuberant--if hyperactive--crafty heart, and not that she has been the recipient of a frankensteinian art-based lab experiment! but worse comes to worst, i think this thing is capable of giving off several kilowatt hours in the event of power outages in central iowa. :)

(ps: the eagle-eyed may note the presence of a dangly charm-n-tag combo similar to the one i showed you the other day. this is actually the *first* of my tag experiments; the card was already halfway finished when i stumbled on the blogpost with the cool tag-based jewelry, but stef and i *both* loved them, so i was DETERMINED to have a go and work it into my design!!!)


  1. I'm proud to say that I DID totally notice that charm'ola...this is one stunning, jam-packed, eye candy-full card!

  2. This card is so bright, I gotta wear shades :)

    You are an original. This is one of the many reasons I love you so much. I got to see Tracy this weekend (first time in like 3-4 months!!!) Why did she have to get a full time job???**WHINE** Anyway, we were talking about you and how people try to imitate you, but fall very short. You are an amazing artist, my dear!

    Love love love YOU!

  3. Holy shmoly! That is ONE sparkly card! I *love* it!
    Sometimes it's great to just throw caution to the wind and start making piles of gorgeousness. And that's one serious pile (*lol*).

    And look at you, all winnin' the fresh face thingy over at Hero Arts. I *knew* that card was amazing, too!

  4. Completely fabulous!

  5. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!! I don't even know where to start with this is completely and utterly fabulous!!! June is right, no one could emulate your fabulous talent (I know because I've tried...LOL)
    Seriously there are so many things I just love about this....but the best thing is how it all comes together into one amazing piece of art. Love it ♥♥♥♥♥ (yep...this is a 5 heart card for sure!)

  6. I'd like to follow your blog but I don't see a "followers" box. Very enjoyable visiting.


  7. What a totally insane card, you are so awesome! BR-T

  8. Love it! I only wish I could could get elements to go together like you do! It is so totally you! LOVE IT! And Stef is going to treasure it I am sure. debb

  9. AWESOME! Nice and bright, and makes me feel uplifted and happy!

  10. Striking colors and details, love all the **BLINGBLING**, it's simply one FABULOUS card!!

  11. this is just awesome! wish i could figure how you put stuff together, so it all "works" together so well!!


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