Friday, May 17, 2019

it's a very vintage holiday

we're still celebrating "an old fashioned christmas" over at ♥JINGLE BELLES♥ and you still have plenty of time to link up with us... in fact there's even a little prize this fortnight, from my etsy shop, just enough stuff! here's what i made this week:

i was in a collagey kind of mood this time, so i made a background with torn bits of holiday sheet music and book paper, then added some old xmas postage randomly on top. finally i added this glorious vintage santa, from an old children's book, to be my focal point. weirdly enough, the beautiful santa was actually my second choice; i had started out building the whole thing around an adorable reindeer i snipped from a piece of authentique's "nostalgia" line. but in the end, i felt like he was a bit undersized for the background. rather than trim off a bunch of those lovely old stamps, i went and found the santa, then made the reindeer a card of his own:

because, afterall, december will be here faster than we can possibly imagine. and the phrase, "darn, i wish i didn't have so many EXTRA handmade holiday cards" has never, ever, been uttered by any cardmaker in any language. fact.

hop over to ♥JINGLE BELLES♥ and see stephanie's gorgeous card, then start planning your own vintage --or vintage inspired--  masterpiece!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Had to pop on and say both these cards are truly wonderful and the Santa knocks my socks off. X

  3. but in the end, i felt like he was a bit undersized for the background. rather than trim off a bunch of those lovely old stamps, i went and found the santa, then made the reindeer a card of his own: web dev wordpress


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