Friday, May 31, 2024


We're moving into our second week of Crafty Tic-Tac-Toe at Jingle Belles, and doubtless you already know that the brief  is to pick a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) and a create a fabulous new holiday card featuring all three elements in that row; so here's another look at the board with ALL of its inspiring possibilities: 

This week I chose the diagonal that runs from top left to bottom right, which gave me Snowman + Red or Green + Tree(s). And here's my card:

I was gifted Lawn Fawn's "Snowball Fight" stamps and dies, and of course I couldn't wait to play with... AHEM... use them artistically in my card (that's better!) so I approached the board and the card with that aim in view. Technically I've got a snow-mouse rather than a SNOWMAN, but I am unrepentant about this minor example of cheating, lol! My GREEN comes in the form of said snowrodent's scarf as well as the TREES which I punched from scraps of one of my all-time favorite Lawn Fawn lines, Spiffier Speckles. I'd planned on making this into a shaker card, and thus created the raised heart aperture, but in the end I felt like the shaker sequins would've obscured the adorable details of the stamps, so I opted for the slightly simpler design you see here.

JB2411: Tree Skirt Tic-Tac-Toe runs until next Wednesday evening, June 5th; so head over to Jingle Belles now to see Stephanie's card and start planning what you'll link up with us!

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