Tuesday, May 21, 2024

SOS522: How Does Your Garden Grow?

If you haven't already guessed that this fortnight at Shopping Our Stash we're looking for things that grow in a garden, then frankly, I'm a bit surprised, but just go ahead and re-read this rather long sentence and you'll know for sure. Of course you can make a card that features vegetables, or even, I suppose weeds... but... if you're ME, of course you're going to go with flowers!

I didn't set out to make a subtle, nearly-monochromatic card, but while looking for something else entirely I stumbled upon the dwindling remains of Prima's Pretty Pale collection (c. 2019?) --including these metallic-tinted blooms which I had apparently cut out and never used-- so I immediately changed direction. I had a lot of fun tearing, sanding and distressing all of my layers, and was super-excited when I found a nice big piece of pink woodgrain paper (PINK woodgrain!!!) from Authentique's 2018(ish) Romance collection. I chose a kraft cardbase and did a bit of machine stitching mostly for the look, but also, when you have lots of layers, it never hurts to anchor them pretty well, right?  

I hope you'll visit SOS to check out the cards the rest of The Crew have made and then start dreaming up your own garden-centric masterpiece. 

1 comment:

the *BEST* part of blogging is the comments, dontcha think? thanks for taking time to leave one! ~♥~