Friday, June 28, 2024

Holiday Shape Up: Week 2

Cruising into the second week of our Holiday Shape Up festival at Jingle Belles for which, as you'll recall, we're making shaped cards. New Jersey is just one of the states currently under what the weather gurus are calling a heat dome, and the temps for the last 10 days have been in the mid-90's with humidity off the charts. So of course my first thought was to make MITTENS lol!

A few years ago I had downloaded a photo of a beautiful mitten-shaped card, printed it out on cardstock at 4x6" size, used it as a template and raided my stash of ancient Basic Grey holiday patterned paper to make THIS CARD. Luckily, I had saved the template and still had some nice big chunks of BG, so I'm back with the same idea... times two! Basic Grey flower layers, Recollections flair, scraps of felt  trimmings, 7 Gypsies velvet holly leaves, and a couple of buttons from my stash complete this pair of mixy-matchy mitten cards.

Stephanie's card can be seen at Jingle Belles, where, coincidentally, you can also upload your own magnificent shape-card design between now and next Wednesday evening, July 3rd.

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