yes sirree, that girl is ON FIRE with the digital kits--this is her *fourth* full-sized release in just the last couple of months! you can check them all out in her etsy shop, plus she has a gorgeous and totally FREE butterfly looking glass mini-kit so that you can try out digital design before you make a commitment. (of course there are still plenty of hand-carved stamps in her etsy shop too, if you're not quite ready to make the leap!)

- THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: you MUST use transparencies that are made for inkjet printers!!! if you try to print on hambly you are going to get an inky, smeary mess! i like these by 3m which i get much more cheaply at my local staples (ok, they're still pretty dear at nearly $40 for 50; if you've got scrappy friends maybe you can club together and share a box?)
- be sure to print on the *TEXTURED* side! (this is the key to not smearing...one side has a slightly "rough" texture to hold the ink!)
- the above means...if you have text or anything that needs to be oriented in a specific direction, you need to select "transparency" or "iron-on" as your printing medium OR check the "print reversed" in your printer's dialog box (i actually have forgotten to do this and used the transparency anyway with the "pebbly" side up--they are too expensive to WASTE!--and you CAN get away with it...but it looks better if the shiny side is on top!)
- when printing PHOTOS or digital patterned papers, this techniques works best on lighter, clearer images...if you have very dark or very detailed images they may lose a bit in translation (or you can lighten them a bit in photoshop!)