Monday, March 30, 2009
look how she sparkles

Sunday, March 29, 2009
good thing i'm not on a diet

seeing as how the "spring" weather here in central new jersey is warm...but alas NOT SUNNY...my pic is a bit less lovely than it ought to be. so i will tell you that featured in the above photo there are loads af *FAB* basic grey 6x6 papers...glitter rub-ons...probably (for me) a lifetime supply of gorgeous ribbons and trims...chipboard & cardstock die-cuts...brads in at least 10 shapes...and loads & loads of colorful buttons! WAHOOOOO! if you'll excuse me, i need to go MAKE SOMETHIN'...NOW!!!
oof, i nearly forgot to show you the very VERY best thing in the whole pack of goodness:
yepper: an amazing, stamped, flourishy, ribbon-bedecked kristie morrison creation!
thank you thank you lovely friend!!!
(and i hope you are well and truly ON THE MEND!!!)
Friday, March 27, 2009
could i *BE* more conceited??!
wanna keep it.
i'd quite like to frame it and hang it above my desk.
yes, i am that pleased with myself and my creation.
so there.
somebody smack me.
(thank you)
of course the inspiration for my card--and the template for the delicious dessert item you see before you--was the cool sheer cupcake mini album stef sent me. *IT* is verrrry cool, and SHE is very, VERY cool indeed...so probably the thing came pre-loaded with fabulousness and i could not have gone wrong on anything i made using it!!!

of course, i won't be keeping it or framing it. it'll be niece madeline's birthday card, in may. afterall, a gal only turns five *once* and the occasion needs to marked in a very special way! the nice thing about being done so early is that i can keep it around a bit longer before sending it on its way. the not-so-nice thing is that i'm early because i've been playing with cupcakes when i oughtta be working on deadline-based items. sigh. back to work!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
and now for something completely different!
actually that's a lie. once again i'm fixin' to show you MORE cards from the hero arts gallery we caardvarks made to go along with the current challenge*. on the other hand, whilst the theme is the same, the *CARDS* really are completely different. does that count?? (just nod & smile, ok?! thanks. i owe ya one!)
so far i've mostly showcased the asian frames set...but the all occasion messages may well be one of the most flexible...and just downright useful...stamp sets i've ever seen. it has *twenty* different phrases--covering a whole range of occasions and sentiments--plus eleven adorable teeny images: a sweet tiny bird, flowers, hearts, stars...i'm pretty sure this is a set that a CARDMAKER invented, actually!

the first thing i thought of when i saw this set is how cool the phrases looked all lined up together on the sheet. i wondered if i could leave them ON THERE and stamp a multi-greeting text panel. turns out, yepper, i could; and i think it came out pretty well! wanna see?

of course you don't have to use the phrases en masse. here's a set of mini-cards--made to fit some cool veterinary envelopes debb sent me--using individual phrases. in fact, sometimes i didn't even use the whole phrase; to fit on the rabbit card, i only inked "warm wishes" on the "sending warm wishes" stamp; and all the envelopes read for "you" using just that bit of the "just for you" or "you make me smile" stamps.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
the card that didn't wind up being the card i thought it'd be

i made the bits above using premade items from my stash, (including some tags from k&co's madeline collection...with which i am seriously enamoured!) it didn't take long, and i was realllllly thrilled with the way they came out. then i decided to build a card to feature them. but somehow, i wound up with this instead:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
52Q: 11

answer: "i may be part hamster"
text below reads, "...at least, i've always been semi-nocturnal. it doesn't take much to keep me up at night: too much caffeine or sugar...stress...excitement...or even just my own innate hyperactivity!"

Saturday, March 21, 2009
hero arts, day 2

there are still a few MORE cards left for me to show you; back with those tomorrow!
Friday, March 20, 2009
heroic *AND* artistic!

hero arts goodies galore: all occasion messages, asian frames, heart-winged butterfly and gemstones;
so of course we have a bigger-than-usual gallery crammed full of glorious eye candy: cards, projects, all sorts of great stuff! in addition, we are honored to have a celebrity guest designer, none other than ms. jennifer mcguire!
but what IS the challenge? you have until midnight april 3rd to make a card based on this rather gorgeous sketch by my massively talented fellow caardvark, heidi van laar:

is that a great sketch, or what? so simple, yet elegant...you could do ANYTHING with that baby, dontcha think?! i know i couldn't fit all my ideas into just ONE card...i had to make two!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
have you ever seen a prettier baby quilt?
because i sure haven't! lest you think that the entire universe has changed course and the earth has shifted on its axis: NO, I HAVE NOT LEARNED TO SEW! wouldja believe i *won* this lovely lovely item??! remember a month or so ago when missus trash was having her fabulous craffle to benefit the australian redcross' bushfire appeal? well, of course i donated to that worthy cause, but i never dreamed i'd walk away with one of the amazingly tasty prizes. this quilt was made--& donated--by the astonishingly talented and super-generous katy of i'm a ginger monkey. it is gorgeous and soft and beautifully crafted and has the most mouth-watering array of pink floral fabrics in a field of white, with a reverse of what my sister calls "sky blue pink" on the back.
wouldja like a closer look? (thought so!) here ya go:
want to hear the very best and most awesome part of this whole thing? i have just won a beautiful pink baby quilt less than a month before my best friend's baby girl is born!!! talk about your excellent timing, eh? along with said quilty confection, katy sent a very sweet and deliciously scented lavender sachet...which i am keeping for myself! (shhhhhhhhhhhh!)
thank you, ginger monkey!
thank you, missus trash!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
this is not...

is it just me, or does a pomeranian dressed as a pirate almost not even NEED a caption??
of course i am sidestepping the two really big philosophical questions that this photo raises: #1: who buys pirate costumes for pomeranians? (!!!) and #2: who SELLS pirate costumes for pomeranians?? (?!?) but do feel free to discuss these amongst yourselves!
♥ happy wednesday, darlings!!! ♥
Monday, March 16, 2009
52Q: *10*
which aside from being cool on the 52Q front, surely means that SPRING cannot be far away either, right?
it *IS* gonna be SPRING SOOOOOOON, isn't it??!??!?!
(just checking!)
in the meantime, however, at least we have

seeing as how i've been trying to use this project to practice working quickly...and a bit "looser"... i decided to just start stamping my answers on the card without any tedius measuring.
as you can see...they didn't all fit in the "free space" and whilst it looks kind of cool to let them overlap the picture, they are completely un-read-able there.
(ah well)
so if you're interested in knowing my top 5 creatively inspiring films, they are, in no particular order:
(saturated color...not to mention spectacle!!!)
(audrey hepburn! new york city!!! what else do ya need?)
(the distilled essence of paris...ok, it's a fantasy paris...what's your point?!)
(perhaps the "bollywoodiest" of all bollywood films; certainly one of the most impressive.)
(perhaps the BEST EVER glimpse of an artist & his process captured on film.)
...and yours are...???
Sunday, March 15, 2009
my mail carrier loves me!
'cause the other day, she brought me THIS:
of course, she just deliverd it. the reallllllllllll love comes from my fellow caardvark, blogging mentor, and card-makin' heroine STEPHANIE SEVERIN! that lady knew i was on the lookout for REALLY *krafty* kraft cardstock and got me a pack of the absolutely marvellous stuff they sell at hobby lobby! but stef being stef, she couldn't just send it on alone. noper! there was a lovely handmade greeting, and a DELICIOUS acrylic cupcake mini-album! because she KNOWS ME, does stef...oh yes...she knows me WELL!!!
thank you thank you thank you oh generous and thoughtful one!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
the card that time forgot!
but it's from quite a while ago, and thus i've decided to hold TIME partially responsible! :)

(vintage: slide mount (thanks debb!) ledger paper & sheet music; patterned paper: scenic route leaves, crafty secrets crown; cardstock scallops: a bit of packaging from fancy pants chipboard; glittery transparency frame: k&co (thanks, jolene!) tag: sei; chipboard bird & hearts: sassafras lass; bling frame: heidi swapp; rub-ons: polar bear press; other: colorbox inks, 3m foam tape)
as you know, i am photographically challenged at the best of times and waaaaaaay worse when it comes to taking pics of anything reflective--such as a transparency--so you will just have to trust me when i tell you this card was actually quite a bit cooler in real life!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
when i was little...
...i thought all fairy tales began with the same long word,
in the intervening years, i've gotten a bit better at spelling, and discovered that i even occasionally enjoy a story which doesn't start out that way. other than that, however, not much has changed: i still like to have stories read to me... (these days i call 'em "audiobooks" but it's the same concept!) ...i still like cupcakes and tiaras and coloring and a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
so i figure this is a perfectly appropriate photo to use for my new avatar, right?
plus, it has the added advantage of:
NO VERTIGO!!!!!!! :)
the crooked tagger
first the rules (not that i will necessarily *follow* them!):
Step 2: tag—eight other un-tagged people
(lauren sez: yeah...i'll probably cheat on this one!)
and now the tag questions:
What are you wearing now?
work clothes (jeans, tank top, cute hoodie)
What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?
dictation: a quartet by cynthia ozick (for reading group) and art journaling by somerset studio; both are excellent in completely different ways
Do you nap a lot?
hardly ever
Who was the last person you hugged?
lovely husband jeff...who, in addition to his many other talents, is an EXCELLENT hugger!
What’s your current obsession/addiction?
well paper, obviously, and makin' stuff out of it...also i have eaten a pack of these every single day for about the last month...and at the moment, if NCIS is on, i am probably watching it...there are more, but i'll stop now...
What was the last thing you said aloud?
a very very naughty word indeed; directed at my currently slow as something-slower-than-molasses-in-the-arctic internet browser
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
hotmail, caardvarks, i can has cheezburger, i has a hotdog
What was the last thing you bought?
toilet bowl cleaner and drain-clearing stuff (just one of my many glamourous duties at work!)
What are you listening to right now?
i-pod on shuffle; current song: life of riley by the lightning seeds
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I would love to be able to lose weight without exercising or counting calories. (lauren's note: i have stolen this answer, verbatim, from leslie; if there is a better super-power anywhere, i have not heard it!!!)
What is your favorite weather, and why?
warm, but not hot. breezy, but not windy. sunny, but with a few pretty clouds in the sky for decoration. if all of this were to align in the vicinity of a beach...so much the better...
What time do you usually get up?
7:40 am...whether i need to or not, at this point (sigh)
What is your most challenging goal right now?
i'd say "losing weight" if i was actually WORKING at that; for the moment is more like a *WISH*! (see the third question above this)
Say something to the person who tagged you:
hi leslie! hope the kitty is ok! any good word veri's lately??
If you could have a house – totally paid for, fully furnished – anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
a *free* house???!? DUDE!!! it can be any-frickin-where they want!
Favorite vacation spot?
i like to go somewhere different every time. ideally, i'd like to travel MUCH MORE than we do. i'm quite fond of beaches, generally, though...
Biggest decision every day is:
ugh. what to wear. yeah, i know, i wear jeans and a black top every day, but which jeans? and what top? and do they need to be ironed?? and is that a SPOT on my brand new cardigan??!
What is your favorite item of clothing?
do pajamas count??
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
we like to ride our bikes on the canal towpath near lambertville; in the nice weather i will walk 2-3 miles near our house instead of the treadmill at the gym; playing with the nieces is always fun; if it's a nice day & i'm outside, everything else is gravy!
Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you:
ice cream. or chocolate. sweets, generally, i suppose.
Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others:
my closet isn't actually overflowing with a zillion pairs of shoes, actually; i have 3 or 4 pairs of reeboks, though, and they are the most common thing to find on my feet
Name one thing you cannot live without:
♥lovely husband jeff♥
What time is bed time?
ideally i try to lie down around 10pm; i need to read for an hour or so before i fall asleep
My added question:
which picture of daniel craig is currently your favorite?
this one:

1. wearing orange (yes, underwear counts!)
2. playing hooky today (well sheesh...you've got time then, right?!)
3. over six foot tall (so AMY is safe, then!)
4. currently eating a chocolate biscuit (b/c i am JEALOUS!)
5. belgian (either by birth, inclination, or geography)
6. in the mood to be tagged (hey--dig in!)
7. smoking a cigarette right now (see--those things have ALLLLLLL kinds of negative side effects!!!)
8. employed as a spy or clandestine operative of any kind (in which case, you probably *shouldn't* link back, lest it blow your cover!)
Monday, March 9, 2009
lovey dovey sketchy wetchy*

and then...my card sort of morphed away from the sketch...you know, the way my cards tend to do...and then it morphed back a bit. (like many of my midweek creations, the process stretched over a couple of nights; often it's 8pm before i even get to sit down...but i like to do a little *something* at least) eventually, i settled on this. i used a transparency, some rubs, a ghost heart and a bunch of embellies, so it's fairly flat, while still having LOTS of layers. i'm kinda proud of that, actually.
oof, at some point i should probably SHOW the card, right?! sorry. here ya go:

unusually for me, i even got a bit fancy INSIDE the card: i stamped, i inked, i colored...heck, i ever tried *shading*!!! i was inspired by miss kristie, amongst others, whose sterling work recently reminded me HOW COOL a decorated inside-of-the-card is!
(journaling spot & happy stamp: heidi swapp; clear sticker: CK; winged heart stamp: pink paislee; other: colorbox & ranger inks; tombow markers, prismacolor pencils)
i *might* even stamp a bit on the envelope, as well, but we will see how long my ambition lasts!
*if you happen to have seen my favorite doctor who episode, "blink" you might realize that i have stolen a line from that...adapted it to papercrafting...and made it even sillier than it already was. (which is saying something!) yes indeedy, it's an achievement i shall cherish for many years to come! :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
giftbags are my bag, baby!

happy sunday, darlings!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
52Q: 9

Thursday, March 5, 2009
pigs & geese & ducks better scurry...
(how cool is that?!)
(where you can find all the details, a place to load your creation, pics of the prize, and a gallery of amazing DT cards!)
and now all that's left is to show you MY cards...yepper, two of 'em...because this challenge was just too much fun to fit on ONE CARD!!! :)

(transparency: hambly; iridescent lace cardstock: ki memories; diecut frame: bam pop; amazingly cool & versatile frankie the flamingo stamp: tyggereye art (thanks, gina!!!) flowers: prima; epoxies: love elsie, susan branch, michaels; plastic swirl stickers: sandylion; metallic lines of bling: michaels; other: ranger ink, tombow markers, 3m foam tape
(patterned paper: american crafts, creative imaginations, we r memory keepers, current; self-dahesive fabric: decor art; chipboard deer & frame: sassafrass lass; letter stickers: making memories, doodlebug; rickrack from debb (thank you!) lines of adhesive studs: michaels; other: martha stewart butterflies punch, colorbox inks, 3m foam tape)
judging by the design team's many awesome, gorgeous, hilarious cards, i think this challenge is going to be A BLAST! (and i just cannot wait to see what you will make!!!)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
52Q: 6, 7, 8

(making memories & bam pop papers, making memories rub-ons, provocraft roller stamp; reverse: pic from "i can has cheezburger" printed on kodak premium photo paper)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
52Q: 3, 4 & 5

question 4: when i look into my eyes, i see _________.
(picture from a magazine, dymo label, folk art paint; reverse: scrapbook wizard paper, colorbox ink)
text below reads, "hmmmmmmmmm...i don't really spend all that much time gazing into my own eyes, but hopefully others see an honest, kind person who laughs a lot."
question 5: how do i feel today?
(picture from a calendar, manual typewriter; reverse: picture from a bulb catalog)
text above reads, "today was a cold, grey day in the middle of a cold, grey, lonnnnnnnnnng winter... (& i have had a rotten cold for two weeks!) ...so today i feel..."
text below reads, "really, *REALLY* ready for spring!!!"
a couple more questions tomorrow, and then on thursday there will be a brand new CAARDVARKS challenge!!!