(stef gave me this awesome vintage florida pc folder last fall!)
...although slightly anti-climactic if you had, say, just spent a quite a bit of time and energy packing, cleaning, working ahead, making a zillion arrangements, making a travel book, downloading some special sunshiney playlists, and just generally being very excited about a fun trip to florida!
unfortunately, sometimes "STUFF" happens and in this case the "STUFF" came copiously to lovely husband jeff in the form of
the worst stomach flu ever. thankfully it hit him 12 hours before our departure and not actually ON THE PLANE. in fact, i am so grateful for that one amazing bit of luck that i have tried...
(& mostly succeeded) (ok, i did say, "MOSTLY!"
) ...not to whine about this disappointing development. the only thing that sort of inconsolably upset me is that
gina and i had REALLY BIG PLANS for last saturday!!!!! and whilst i can philosophically shrug off a week of sunshine, warmth, palm trees, fabulous food, and lazy days by the hotel pool...missing out on that was
(and is!) a serious blow to my insouciance.
(next time, missus! next time!!!) nevertheless, i am trying to use this "found time" constructively: i'm working on NEXT MONTH's
pixie kit, which soooooo rocks; i had a
shaun the sheep marathon over the weekend; i got a FABULOUS new photoshop/digidesign manual
(digital expressions by susan tuttle) which has already taught me more about using PSE the way i want to use it than all my previous books and tutorials combined
(seriously!!! i am NOT a written instructions person...and yet...i "get" this
!); i treated myself to a tiny
(largely holtzian) shopping spree at my
(semi)-lss (hi, bonnie!); plus, it turns out those sunshiney playlists work pretty well at the gym, too.
(see those ring binder thingies? yeah...i've got biiiiiig plans for those...)
the best news is that a still slightly shaky
(& suddenly quite svelte!) LHJ is finally eating "REAL" food and sleeping through the night!!! which is really ALL that matters!
(i was goin' for a "citrus" theme with all the orange & yellow...sigh...)
and the travel book? well, i can always convert it for use on my california trip in april, right?
Did you know there’s a new challenge blog in town with articles, swaps, interviews, videos, challenges, great prizes and MORE?! Check out Lily Pad Cards! (b/c in addition to currently having fabulous previews...there's a verrrrry
cool giveaway with the most generous prizes imaginable!!!