Thursday, December 31, 2009
a brace of cardinals

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
52Q: 46 (glow) ...and... 2010 journal project
question 46: what makes you glow?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
did she say, "CROBOT"?
as in, "crocheted robot".
you know, kind of like this one:

i got this book a couple of months ago and did all the crocheting part of "mechanobot" (pictured above) whilst we were visiting LHJ's parents at thanksgiving.* it only needed an hour or so to do the making up, but did ~YOU~ have a spare hour between thanksgiving & xmas?? yeah, me neither. so i finished him off on our christmas visit to said lovely in-laws' domicile, where he was admired by all, albeit with some bemusement and ONE quite snarky cousin's speculation that "amigurumi" might be a japanese word meaning "pointless". then AFTER the funeral** we had snacks, so all was well again.
hooray for crobots!!!!! ♥♥♥
*i'm almost exclusively a travel knitter (and crochet-er). because when i am at home there is just waaaaaay too much paper around for me to work on yarn-based projects. but i do LOVE to make these little dudes and whenever we're set to go ANYWHERE my knitting bag is the first thing to be packed!
** i'm kidding, of course. absolutely no cousins were harmed in the making of this crobot, though my conviction that there are some people who will never receive anything i have spent time hand-making was confirmed. in spades.
Monday, December 28, 2009
small things come in good packages
first up, the tin-full-of-candies trick: this 4 x 2 x 1" tin was recycled from a set of paperchase mini LED xmas tree lights, but you could use a mint tin or one of the many cute containers that prima flowers & other supplies come in.

next, a sweet little giftcard wallet that i based very loosely on a FAB dina wakley project that darling stef sent me a link to last week. of course when i went to make mine, i couldn't find the pics and wound up winging it...but the basic idea of a tri-fold with pockets inside and stitching all round the edges is there, and i really like how this came out!

tomorrow we take a break from the never-ending christmas...i have a crafty surprise that's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!
(materials for both projects: patterned paper & silver rub-ons: basic grey; red glitter rub-ons & white snowflake stickers: k&co; silver glitter rub-on & fancy brad: making mamories; pink glitter snowflakes: martha stewart; chipboard tag: fancy pants; red poinsettias & holly leaves: prima; whte poinsettias & snowflake ribbon: ichaels; red ribbon: doodlebug; gem flourish (trimmed to fit): oriental trading; corner rounder: ek success; inks: colorbox; adhesives: tombow mono runner, 3m foam tape, sewing machine)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
when gift-wrapping FINALLY becomes an olympic event...

(digistuffs: jolly little friends stickers no 1: mindy terasawa, designer digitals; kraft diecut paper pack (re-colored): jessie edwards, designer digitals; font: cafe rojo; software: broderbund printshop; scrappistuffs: brads: making memories; cardstock: staples; plain bags, adhesive felt snowflakes, jingle bells, ribbon & maribou trim: michaels; adhesves: 3m foam tape, hot glue)

(digistuffs: free fancy gift tags set: rhonna farrer, 2peas; swirly frame brushes; scrap-n-fonts; software: broderbund printshop; scrappistuffs: fancy velvet brads: marah johnson, creative imaginations; gems: mambi; spray ink: smoosh; glitter & silver ink pens: sakura; glossy photo paper: kodak; plain bags, tissue, lace, deconstructed poinsettia & holly garlands: michaels; adhesve: tombow mono runner, 3m foam tape)
i made gentleman ones:
(digistuffs: see-through snowflake elements: rhonna farrer, 2peas; distressed edge tool kit: rhonna farrer, house of 3; powder paper pack: gretchen thomas, designer digitals; fonts: bleeding cowboys, freeze, porcelain & metallic avocado; software: broderbund printshop; scrappistuffs: acryllic snowflakes (made into dangles with jumprings & fishing wire): mambi; snowflake stickers: ek success; snowflake punch: papersource; brads: making memories; cardstock: staples; plain bags, tissue, ribbon & trim: michaels; adhesves: 3m foam tape, hot glue)
there were a few more, but they were basically variations on the same themes. i'm proud to say that the bags were a big hit, as were the presents within, which consisted mostly of giftcards and savings bonds, with a variety of small presents: xmas ornaments, candy, lipgloss, reindeer slipper socks (a HUGE hit with the nieces) and so forth.
Friday, December 25, 2009
wherever you are, whatever you're doing:
Thursday, December 24, 2009
best of the rest, part 2

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
best of the rest, part 1

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
i think this is the last of this year's monsta cards...

Monday, December 21, 2009
i'm kind of proud of this one...

right. i'm off!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
it's not a re-run...it's an ENCORE PRESENTATION!
taking a cue from network television, i am repositioning the monsta cards in a more advantageous marketing context! (how's it going so far??!)
actually, it's just the slogans on the monsta cards that are recycled from last year...the designs are new...and of course i was not addicted to machine stitching in 2008.
this was one of my favorite lines last year...and it still is!
Friday, December 18, 2009
houston, we have a label!
i confess that i do tend to obsess a bit over my holiday labels; i like them to be as cool as the cards inside. even so, i'm not sure i've ever spent this much time on one 3 x 4" project in my entire life...mostly because i just could not commit to a single idea. then i saw this gorgeous layout in the designer digitals gallery, and i realized that thanks to all of the 25 cent xmas specials DD has had this month, i actually owned a bunch of the same stuff the artist used. then it all sort of came together in a rush.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
not a monsta...but a bit triumphant

(patterned paper: basic grey, autumn leaves, doodlebug + a bit of vintage sheet music; cardstock: dcwv; sentiment sticker: making memories; label die: nestabilities; leaf die: cuttlebug; leaf punch: mcgill; inks: colorbox; gems: mambi adhesives: tombow mono runner & sewing machine)
ok, so it's not rocket science, but finally i've come up with something i genuinely LIKE...and...it's mass-produce-able! this may well be the first time i've had BOTH of those categories overlap in the same card. certainly it's the first time in this xmas season!!! i now believe there's a chance that most of my card list may actually receive something BEFORE april!!! (wahey!!!)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
triumphant return of the monsta card!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009
three by three mrs. noah filled the card ark
so i sat down last night with this week's super sketchy sunday sketch from 365 cards (day 288):
and here's what i came up with. it's definitely a loose version of the sketch, but i kind of like it:

i had pre-cut a bunch of those ornaments from some k&co xmas paper a couple of weeks ago, and i decided to use up the rest while i was at it. i *know* i cut THREE of each color scheme--which means that somewhere in my house, car or general habitat there's a third red ornament--but i'll be darned if i could find it last night!!!

i cut each ornament from the patterned paper with a piece of coordinating cardstock held behind it, to make "shadows" for each one. (both pieces are cut to exactly the same size; then i adhered the main image to the cardstock at a very slight offset, to make a sort of "drop shadow" for each ornament.) it's exactly the same amount of effort, but i love the effect it gives!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
(3x) 2S4Y (K41) = 2S, 1R*...2cute??
(that's 3 times 2 sketches 4 you (kazan #41) equals 2 santas, 1 reindeer. obviously. and yet still, somehow, people think i'm no good at mathematics. weird.)
as usual i'm just making it in under the deadline for kazan's sketch #41:

but i've made three cards, which i feel redeems me slightly:

they're slightly "cuter" tham i usually go...but they're for the nieces' families and i think they'll enjoy the cute santas and reindeer, and ya gotta love those awesome jenni bowlin holiday mini bingo cards, right?!
Friday, December 11, 2009
i hardly ever mass-produce, unless it's an emergency

and i knew immediately it was simple enough that i could easily knock a couple of those out using mostly scraps, but they'd still look rather fab. i was right on both counts. see?

i know what you're thinking. you're thinking, "hey lauren! there are THREE cards in that picture!" well, yeah. the reason being that *three* is the ideal amount of cardstock-weight paper i can hold together and cut out at the same time--pretty much ANYTHING you see that i've handcut has been part of a trio. the ones i don't use at the time get put in the "already cut" folder for quick card or collage making. in this case, since i am WAAAY behind on holiday cards generally, and since i was making two cards and had the extra bits already cut, it seemed quicker to just go ahead and stitch/assemble the third card, to go on the main pile. so i did.
this weekend my plans are to eat, sleep, and make christmas cards...with the first two being considered "optional extras". if you don't hear from me by monday morning, please send martha stewart and a 5-gallon vat of coffee!!! :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
this isn't the worst card i've ever made...

(pattened paper: doodlebug, making memories, love elsie + vintage sheet music; cardstock: core'dinations; christmas tree dingbat font, used as a template scrap-n-fonts; diecut presents: dcwv; "merry" transparency: ki; word sticker: making memories; velvet trim: doodlebug; ink: colorbox; adhesives: tombow mono runner, 3m foam tape; other: mylar stars, sewing machine)
the thing is, i'm not really sure what's wrong with it. i love the cute little trees. i LOVE my nestibilities "labels 8". (lucy, you were SO RIGHT!) i love the machine stitching, and the papers, and that fun velvet trim. but somehow, the totality of the card is LESS than the sum of its parts.
does it say something horrible and passive-aggressive about me if i confess that i will probably send it anyway?? well, yes, very possibly...but hey...it's 16 days before xmas, and i've suddenly discovered i don't have NEARLY enough cards made. this is NO TIME to be overly fussy, people!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
tree for two...

we managed to get in and out...or rather, out and back in...before the snow fell, but it was still pretty nippy. here's one of our intrepid arctic explorers, attractively attired in her intrepid arctic explorin' coat. note the super-abundance of hood, perfect for keeping out winter weather, and also vision of any kind.

we always get our tree at the this lovely farm in central nj, which happens to belong to jeff's godfather. we are the only people i know who have to haggle strenuously *UPWARDS* to be allowed to pay something close to going rate for our holiday plumage.

finally, here is a small extra bonus prize which came with our tree!
(lovely intrepid explorer jeff removed it carefully and placed it in another tree, in case the owners return next spring.)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
WOW! that's a *really* pink card!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009
at the sound of the tone, please record your message

because i am...
(hope your holiday chores are going equally well...
or at least that you are having a wonderful week!)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
monday night sketch card!
of course it always helps to have a 2S4Y sketch, and a specific event in mind. in this case, i had laura's #40 and my brother's wedding anniversary. here's the sketch:

it's also considerably quicker if all your card ingredients are ready-made! (which sounds obvious, but remember my twin loves are collage and paper-piecing; there are a lot more steps involved when the "bits" have to be found and cut out before you can even start!) this time i had a pretty scalloped journaling card from leah, not to mention a mini bingo card & german scrap bird from jolene! once i had all that, it was plain sailing: i found a piece of sheet music with a lovey-dovey theme, i traced a chipboard heart and punched a scalloppy border to fit the sketch, and last but not least, i remembered i had this fun vintage sequin flower trim that would work really well. and here's the card:
(patterned paper: prima + vintage sheet music; journaling card: unknown; bingo card & bird: making memories; sequinned flowers from a trimming shop; ink: colorbox; border punch: fiskars; adhesives: tombow mono runner, 3m foam tape, sewing machine)
something completely serendipitous & quite amusing that i only noticed midway through making this baby: at the top left of the bingo card is the number 12...which just happens to be the anniversary bill and sandy are celebrating this year! cool, no?! ♥♥♥
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
here's what i did with the notebook paper collage
well, i say "card" because i used it as such--and wrote "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" on the back--but it's 12 x 12" and one-sided. also it's a bit weird...but then...the base is a collage of NOTEBOOK PAPER so this one was never gonna be hallmarky, was it? :)
i actually began the base collage at work one day, during lunch; i'd intended to use ONE sheet of notebook paper as a background for something, but each of the 6 or 7 different notebooks and binders i found contained a different type of paper, and they all had such interesting variations in color and line width that it made me want to use them ALL! anyway, my friend and colleauge joshua happened to see it while i was working on it and he was very enthusiastic. (he was talking about stealing the idea...a sure sign of approval from a fellow artist, right?!)

to make it into a "card" i added one of our very favorite douglas adams' quotes (from "dirk gently's holistic detective agency"--josh and i are both MASSIVE fans) which i spelled out using some quite elderly vinyl alphabet stickers from staples. the smaller ones were so old, in fact, that they didn't stay STUCK ON, and i had to go back and staple them the next day! i liked the grungy industrial look of that, so i added MORE staples. i highlighted a few selected words by spelling them using some magnetic letters i found at a garage sale this summer. i intended to add something around the edges...either inking or maybe some stitching...but nothing i tested was quite right, so i let it sit for a few days and when i went back and saw it with fresh eyes i thought, "nope, that's DONE" and i was glad i had taken a little break to decide.
this is definitely one of my weirder ideas, but i have to say (with my usual modesty) that i really like it. more importantly, josh absolutely LOVED IT and was talking about buying a FRAME, so i was pretty pleased all-round!