not to mention pictures from his party on sunday:
he enjoyed his presents...
and he DEFINITELY enjoyed his cake!
here he is, taking a victory lap
(with a little help from his mama!)
i don't think he minded being the center of attention amongst all his cousins, either!
here is my favorite picture of the birthday dude, taken towards the end of the party. he was climbing the pile of discarded boxes in an attempt to access a (forbidden) cupboard door located directly behind them. i love the look, which proves one doesn't need *speech* in order to communicate perfectly clearly!
"yeah...i know i'm busted...but you can't REALLY be mad at me...'cause i'm JUST TOO DARN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(he's right, you know!)
happy birthday, little man!
all in all, not a bad way to celebrate 23 years of wedded bliss, eh?!
(patterned paper: basic grey, mustard moon; diecuts & pearls: k&co; flowers: prima; eyelets: making memories; rub-on stitches: oriental trading co; other: buttons, colorbox inks, foam tape)
and now the second card i made, which i really DO love...although, i must confess, it has fewer...and less noticeable...diecuts. but it HAS some, so it counts!
(patterned paper: basic grey; rub-ons & chipboard frame (used as a template): fancy pants; cardstock diecuts, faux stitches & gems: k&co; flowers: prima; inks: colorbox; other: foam tape, white cardstock from staples)
you may have noticed that my last few cards have been 6x6" squares...a rather odd shape and size for me. plus, i will tell you confidentially, my *NEXT FEW* cards are also 6x6" squares. i blame basic grey for this. having recently re-discovered my 6x6 sultry and blush paper pads i have been WORKIN' those babies like there is no tomorrow! what can i say? "pointless addiction" is my middle name! :)*other possibilities i considered for this honor: "THIS'LL BE THE DAY THAT I DIE(CUT)" and "CROSS MY HEART AND HOPE TO DIE(CUT)" and of course, "LIVE AND LET DIE(CUT)" which very nearly won!
yo ho ho--this be pirate riley!
and avast, landlubbers! here be pirate lindsay!
the photos above were taken in the summer of 2006* on a day in which the nieces in question were kind enough to take me out for happy meals. the particular happy meals we obtained accompanied one of the "pirates of the caribbean" films, which of course neither of these young ladies had seen, but they loved "the wiggles" (who have a pirate character) and they have older boy cousins, and thus had a general idea of the concept. so we donned our kerchiefs and enthusiastically said things like, "YAAAAAR!" and "YO HO HO!" and called each other landlubbers and generally exhibited as much hearty pirate mise-en-scene as very small girls & a middle-aged aunt can muster; then we commenced to eating our lunch and resumed normality. or so i thought. until about ten minutes later, when miss lindsay, unprompted, and still using the gravelly-est pirate voice you can imagine a not-quite-3-year-old assaying, asked her mother to,
"please pass the ketchup......'cause i'm a PIRATE!"
because a life of plunder and pillaging upon the high seas is no excuse for bad manners!
*i only know this b/c... flying in the face of a lifetime of "winging it" ...i am smart enough to DATE every single file & cd & envelope of photos. if you had asked me about the pics above, i'd have said, vaguely (& incorrectly) that they were from last year sometime...possibly spring?? see...you THINK you're gonna remember who did what, when, and where. you're wrong. label EVERYTHING! oh yeah...and when your friends have kids, and you write their birthdays on the calendar? write THE YEAR on there. and carry it forward to each successive year. b/c if you don't, i guarantee at some point you will write "happy fifth birthday" on the (infinitely more grown up, obviously) 6 year old's card, or ask an 8 year old how he is enjoying first grade. whereupon you will be met with the stare of polite but silent loathing from said child, whose pride you have mortally wounded for all time. it may not be mentioned again...but it'll never EVER be forgotten. trust me. TRUST ME. here endeth the first lesson. (oh yeah...and ummm...arrrrr!) :)
LHJ & mama pose with an unidentified woman who is glad that her roots are being done on wednesday, and wonders if those tooth-whitening-strip-thingies really work?
we tried out mom's new digital camera*, we had a wonderful lunch at iron hill brewery, we drove out to a local dairy farm for ice cream**, we had a tour of the majestic parental gardens, we watched a teeny, tiny, exceedingly handsome ruby-throated hummingbird fly about snacking on flower nectar and insects!!!this is not OUR hummingbird, since we foolishly did not think to grab EITHER of the two excellent digicams sitting within arm's reach during said hijinks; this is a stuntbird, borrowed from birds-n-blooms' website for illustrative purposes
we caught up on all the family news, and we came home with a lifetime supply of freshly-picked acorn squashes the size of fireplace logs! in fact the only thing non-delightful about the entire day was the drive*** which got me to wondering, yet again:
it's ~2008~ already
where the heck is my
FLYIN' CAR???!?!
to that end, i am starting a petition that those lovely swiss boys stop messing about with their blackholes and get to work on something practical! by which, of course i mean a star-trek-style transportational device allowing us to *beam* back and forth to the in-laws' in safety and comfort without traversing I-95 in such an ungainly**** manner. c'mon lads! there's a lovely trophy in it for you!!!
*LHJ's dad is hilarious when it comes to technology: he occasionally asks us for advice/help in learning a new program or system or, in this case, how to upload pics from a digital camera. we oblige, and 10 minutes into the procedure it becomes apparent that not only does he understand the entire procedure perfectly well, he is actually *FAR* more expert than jeff & i put together! when taxed with such a suspicion he will say, with a smile, "well, i just wanted to make sure i was on the right track!" :)
**afterwards, we got to meet the cows--now THAT is fresh ice cream!!!
***two hours + each way; which is a bit long for those of us with back issues.
****and in my case downright WHINEY! (sorry, honey!)
...but in the meantime, be sure to take a couple 'o muffins out of petty cash!!!
(ek success circle punches in several sizes; 7 gypsies dotted circle stamp; prima paper bird; page from a vintage book; patterned paper scraps: basic grey, paper co, making memories, scenic route, plus bits from catalogs, maps & photos, rub-ons: scenic route, making memories, creative imaginations; zigwriter pen, colorbox ink)
ok, so i'm sorta chubby...but also, vaguely proud: i've tried 61 of the 100, which i think is pretty decent. and there are only 7 that i would absolutely REFUSE TO TRY, ever. if you decide to play, send me a link...i love to nosey other peoples' surveys, as well you know!
in the meantime, anybody wanna go grab some currywurst with me??!
(hambly tranparency; creative imaginations lace cardstock; notebook and ledger paper; vintage timecard & union card; autumn leaves & technique tuesday ruberstamps; mambi & jewelcraft gems; michaels epoxy stickers; making memories brads; prima tiny florals; other: zigwriter pen, colorbox inks, staples, masking tape, foam tape)
and now it's your turn! get to work on your own fantabulous creation, and post it to CAARDVARKS by midnight, september 18th for a chance at the goodies!