Wednesday, June 27, 2007
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!
the happiest place on earth...

( has additional pics, should you need them!)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
i (heart) the specific ocean

Monday, June 25, 2007
...did i mention the *PRIZE*??!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
what i did on my summer vacation
(you know, in case you're not quite envious enough yet!) :)

a very cool, very funky/artsy/friendly beach town near carlsbad. i had an amazing breakfast at a cafe called st. germain (where $10.37 gets you a big omlette, fruit, muffin & coffee!) and then wandered around all the little shops and boutiques.
i discovered soul scape, which was full of indian, asian & new age books, art and gifts. coast highway traders--my favorite from last trip--did not disappoint either. i bagged some cool postcards and little trinkets there.
then barb and i met up for a
(life is gooooooood!)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
...wouldja believe...
thank you. i've even started posting pics (can i get another, smaller, woohoo?!) in my webshots "solo" album:
yesterday, i had the first batch all ready to go--complete with witty descriptions & repartee--on flickr. then i found out you can only make *3* sets using the free flickr membership. you can post loads more pics, but they just sit a big CLUMP...until you fork over $25.
i spent half an hour deciding whether to be cheap (and re-do the work) or lazy (and commit to $25 a year...or whatever they raise it to). i settled on cheap...with a side order of moral outrage. but it's hard to sustain the "outrage" part when you're surrounded by this:

thanks, honey!
...of course he was very touched when i called to thank him. :)
don't hate me b/c i'm beautiful...

on the way to carlsbad we stopped at ocean beach, a funky little surfer town, where we had lunch & dabbled our toes in the water. this pretty church was several blocks inland

...did i mention the WEATHER???!!! well, maybe we should save the weather for next time...
(ok, you can stop the cursing now)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
(no seriously--you should go and see! )
i have two up, one of which i'm not going to display here, since it's going to be the birthday card of a certain someone later this summer (note: if you're reading this, and your birthday is in august, and you enjoy knitting, DON'T go and see!) (was that subtle, or what?!) :) but here is the other one, plus one i made that didn't get used, and a couple of "bonus" cards, that i had made earlier--not for this challenge--but which work for the theme:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
let us peruse the pro's and con's.
the con's:
1. it's $600!!!!!
(& i'm a person who, as a point of pride, has NEVER paid for a cellphone. every two years i go to the verizon store and ask, "what's the nicest phone you will give me for free?" if there is a tie-breaker situation, i choose the one for which my current accessories will work.
2. i DO NOT need it. i only * just barely* need a cellphone, for that matter.
3. it's a first generation product. (which again, on principle, i never,
the pro's:
1. it's very, VERRRRRRRRY cool!
Monday, June 18, 2007
all in favor?!!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
...when i grow up, i wanna be heidi swapp!

i stand corrected. this is basically scrapbook porn. every photo is lucious, every concept is liftworthy. generally, my idea books wind up festooned with posties marking the pages i think i will refer back to. this book has NONE of those...b/c frankly, there isn't a page that i don't loooove.
plus it turns out...she don't need no stinkin' text! she don't need nobody else's products! actually, i don't think she needs ANYTHING besides a pen and a few photos. because she's HEIDI!!!
...and i love her!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
...have you practiced your blogging today, young lady??
the challenge was called MIX IT UP & you had to use at least 3 patterned papers from different manufacturers. so i made a birthday card for my sister using junkitz, scenic route & sei...with a bam-pop bird...and some handmade paper in there too:
that'd be the ouside...the inside looks a bit like this:
(...ok the inside looks EXACTLY like that, actually!)
you should see all the amazing ones people made!!! seriously, you should GO THERE and see them! click on this link, then scroll down a post or two, and click on "MIX IT GALLERY". it's worth the trip, trust me!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
...did they pick the right LAUREN???
they selected three of us:
nathalia castellon (
beatriz jennings (
just WAIT until you see these girls' work--you will be BLOWN AWAY!!!
(eventually i will figure out how to make people's NAMES just be a hotlink, instead of having their link next to their name...but for the moment, please bear with...)
so now i just need a "headshot" you think it has to be of the *FRONT* of my head??? ...yeah, probably... YIKES!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 this thing on?
honestly, i actually HAD some coherent thoughts when i started the blog-setting-up the late 14th century...but oof...somehow in the few short MILLENNIA it took me to think up a name... well apparently, they have scurried off to bed and left me here on my own.
...but & my brain cells...we're a-coming back to rock this particular casbah, and that's for sure!
...goodnight my little geeks & geekettes...