Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the continuing saga of happy mail (♥♥♥!)

i knew these tyggereye art stamps were coming:

i bought the dandelion when gina posted her most recent designs in her etsy shop; then she offered to carve me a custom butterfly...and there's NO WAY i'd turn down the offer of ANYTHING made by my stamp-carving, art-journaling heroine, is there??!!?

by the way, if you've been wanting to ask me, "hey lauren, do you have a special place where you keep your tyggereye art stamps, all together, near your desk, where you can see them?" why yes. yes, i do. since they're softer than commercial stamps, gina warned me that they have to be stored a bit carefully. thus, when frankie the flamingo arrived, i put him on my bookshelf until i could think of a nice safe place. but then i got the monstaz (mick-n-keef) and i couldn't bear to pack them away... (also, i daren't leave them unsupervised!) ...so they went on the same shelf. now i have a collection, which i consider sort of half art supplies and half decor!


the fabulous & delightful leah mentioned in an email that she had spotted something she knew i would enjoy and was sending it along. i had no idea what to expect, but i knew it'd be gooooooood b/c leah a) knows me and b) does not do tat! :) but seriously, how cool are these paperchase monsta magnets, and as for the card... duuuuuuuuuuude! you can't get much happier of happy mail than this, can you?! i LOVE this card!


however, when this arrived it was utterly unexpected and unbelievably cool. i didn't recognize the address on the package, but i often order things from half.com which arrive bearing the addresses of the individual sender. this WASN'T one of those, though, this was an incredible pack of vintage ephemera from a site called the paper flea market sent to me by my lovely friend and former 'varkmate tanis giesbrecht!

do ya see those vintage illustrations? the old business forms? that cool 1960-ish ibm punch card?! the milk bottle caps and trading stamps??! this is the vintage paper equivalent of a box of godiva dark chocolate truffles. i am drooling. seriously.

but the very best part is the enclosed card from miss tanis, thanking me for being me. is that about the nicest thing you can imagine reading, or WHAT?! (i confess, i got a tiny bit misty!)


lovely tanis for the goodies...

...and especially for those very kind words!!!



  1. Aww I'm glad you like them! Thanks for the shout out. I thought you had more of them honestly. hahaha I might have to send you some more. lol You should see mine stash. muahauahaua

    Great mail days for you!

  2. Oh I sooooo recognize that sweet card by Gina..you are one lucky duck...check out all your happy mail...woot woot!!!

  3. WOW..great mail and NEVER seen stamps like that before... hm... better have a look at Gina's etsy shop.... ( see me running fast...virtually ) :-)

  4. SO FUN!
    And you are MORE than welcome dear friend. You bless me more than you know.
    Have a happy week!

  5. You are so talented and sweet, it is no wonder that you are the recipient of such fabulous treasures. I LOVE Gina's stamps and am heading over there right now to get more....


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