Monday, January 9, 2017

let's use ALL the colors!

i've been having a blast playing along with anika starmer's "pattern january" event on instagram. some days i doodle with pens, or cut and paste, collage-style, but mostly it's been an awesome excuse to get out my color bursts every night and drown in ♥COLOR♥! what could be more luscious in the middle of a grey new jersey winter?

fuchsia, tangerine and gamboge color burst "smooshed" onto water color paper, then allowed to dry thoroughly, before adding the eponymous octagons with a fine tipped black pen

technically, not part of the challenge, this was my first attempt at a smooshed color burst background for "octagons". it got a little out of control, lol, but i liked it so much, i made it my new banner photo on facebook

couldn't decide between a pattern of scales or a pattern of bubbles, so i did a pattern of scales INSIDE a pattern of bubbles! :)

this started out as a kind of stylized sun, sand and sky and became... ummmmm... floor tile??!?!
(indigo, yellow ochre and gamboge color burst do make a fab palette tho...)
or in this case... snow-MANDALA!
(ok, yeah, they can't all be winners, lol!)

i had a hard time deciding what fruits to draw AND how to arrange them. so i didn't decide, i just did a little bit of everything!
(and right there is what i LOVE about my sketchbook: it doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to be cohesive, it doesn't have to "work" as a finished piece. it DOES have to be fun to do and teach me something. mission accomplished!)

starts with "J"
jenga, jelly beans and jasmine...

and let me just say: i love how this looks, but it was one of the most boring things i've ever drawn...

in case you'd like to play along, here is the prompt list; there's no need to catch up, work in order, or even post publicly; jump in anywhere and do as many as inspire you. be as literal or as tangential as you want. use stamps, stencils, stickers, pens, markers... whatever you like! or if you really want to HAVE FUN: get out your paints and just GO NUTS... you can thank me later! ♥


  1. So very awesome! Happy Monday!

  2. WOW what a collection of beautiful.

  3. So gorgeous Lauren, just what my grey day needed. Your posts and Instagram inspired me to finally buy the color bursts, they just arrived, so guess what I will be doing tonight! BTW I know what you mean about the piano keys, once in my journal I drew hundreds of different sized squares and coloured them, looked amazing, but bored me senseless LOL. Cx

  4. It's easy to see you're having fun with this!

  5. I thought the snowman one was cute. ⛄❄

  6. I thought the snowman one was cute. ⛄❄


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