having been firmly in collage mode for the last few weeks, i've been excited to discover some very cool new-to-me challenge sites. this one is called sunday postcard art, for which projects of ANY technique or media can be submitted; the "twist" is that all artwork must be made to the size of a "continental" postcard, that is to say, 4x6". i *LOVE* the double challenge of depicting a specific subject (which changes weekly) whilst also working to a particular size, so i jumped right in with the current theme... italy!
all my images are snipped from various vintage books and pamphlets. i do sometimes scan things and reproduce them (especially when i want to re-size something) but one of my favorite parts about using originals is the fact that the various textures, weights and patinas of the different papers provide a lot of nice contrast and interest in what is often quite a flat art form. i realize you can't see such distinctions in my (seriously mediocre) photos, but in real life, it adds another dimension to the piece. plus, i'm often just too lazy to plan that far ahead, lol!
i hope you'll visit sunday postcard art, and be sure to check out the comments of each post where the links to readers' art can be found!
*the original title for this post was, "imagine how tall michelangelo's GOLIATH would have been!" until i decided it was too long, and possibly too silly. but seriously, if michelangelo's david is seventeen foot tall, on a six foot base; goliath, the giant, would've had to be... what? thirty or forty foot? which i guess essplains why he's not shown, eh? actually, it turns out that it was a little bit of a controversy, or at least it went against 14/15th century tradition, that michelangelo makes no reference to the big g in this artwork. it seems most contemporary depictions showed david in action, slingshot poised; or with the head of the vanquished goliath at his feet. which is why most art scholars think that this particular sculpture is meant to represent david before the battle. gosh i love wikipedia, don't you?! :)
I like how you gave us all these reasonable explanations why using your chopped up art as-is is better than scanning it and then tell us... and I'm lazy. That cracked me up. I did not see that coming. I like your postcard of David with the flag in hand and the modesty symbol. I used to do stuff like this as a kid. Now then, who is surprised at what I do now?! LOL