ok, so for week 52 miss gina gave us--appropriately enough-- NEXT YEAR! so i had myself a little free-form think about some stuff i'd like to happen...or that i want to work on...and kind of just lumped all my ideas together and then embellished the heck outta them. 'cause hey: it's what i do!!! ♥
and here is my super-full, over-stuffed, biggest book-ring-you've-ever-seen HEART the ART journal, in its completed stage, holding all 52 weeks of art journaling inspiration from 2010:
in summing up this project i have to give one last super-shout-out to the founder, devisor, inspiration and cheerleader of this project: the very lovely and very talented gina cunningham!
she put the "heart" in HEART the ART! come to think of it, she put the "art" in there too! if you're ever looking for a muse/teacher/friend with whom to spend an entire year thinking, talking, and MAKING art, i seriously do not think you could better than my girl down there in florida!!! now i am excited about the unveiling of her new "play along" project for 2011: USE PRACTICE CREATE
that she'll be hosting at the tyggereye art blog. this time, she's going to devote each month of the year to a different medium, starting in january with acrylic paints and ending up in december with watercolor crayons and pencils. i hope you'll join in, too--i GUARANTEE you will learn a lot and you will totally HAVE FUN! (which is the entire point, am i right??!)
thanks, g!
ps: the lovely miss stephanie and myself are also starting a bit of a year-long endeavor tomorrow, it's called JINGLE BELLES and at the moment the only thing that's missing is *YOU*! so come on over and check it out!!!