Saturday, July 14, 2007

cue barbara streisand!!!

can you believe it's DAY TEN already??! the 10-day, 10-k just flew by in a frenzy of CAARDVARKIAN excitement! in the midst of all the frantic cardmaking and posting and emailing and deadlines, someone asked me, "aren't you going to miss the daily excitement?" and i thought, "oof, i'm kind of hoping for...ummmmm...a nap or something, actually!" but now that it's here, i realize that YES, i really am going to miss it!!! i've been loving that there's a little group of "early birds" i've gotten used to seeing in the comments section before me: i'm chatty (denise) (whose blog won't let me comment until i sign up...which i'm gonna, denise!), ingrid, mum on the run, my world/my life/my art, danni, sandie from australia (whose blog i'm dying to see, but i can only get as far as the "profile" page! sandie, if you read this, send me a link!!) ...ok, i know there are more, and if i've left you out, please forgive me!!! but my point is, this was my first big CAARDVARKS adventure, and i can't wait for the next one! ...but first...
i *AM* takin' that nap!!! :)

oh yeah, wanna see my card?? :)

pssssst: are ya ready for another little hint about the july 20th CAARDVARKS challenge???
ok, so howsabout a little pic?

...'nuff said...for now... ;)


  1. I have really enjoyed all of your cards. You are so creative! I love your colors, dp, and layouts. I look forward to seeing more of your creations!

  2. Great take on Jenyfur's card. Wow!
    I've enjoyed your cards.
    Sandra Marek


the *BEST* part of blogging is the comments, dontcha think? thanks for taking time to leave one! ~♥~